Raising Your Vibration: 12 Gurus Tell You How

8 min readNov 7, 2020


raising your vibration jclay meditation sunset

Raise your vibration and keep it high. Well, why?

Your mind is like a tuning station. When you focus on a particular thought, all thoughts of a similar frequency will come into your awareness.

Thoughts of joy and peace are of a high frequency or vibration. Thoughts of pain are of a lower one.

The higher your vibration, the lighter you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally. You are above all perceived problems because they are no longer pulling you down. You’ve let them go.

This article is straight from the gurus/master teachers that help us to remain “high”.

1. “If you wish to find Love, don’t look for the object of love but rather for the source of love. There you will find the Beloved.” — Mooji

mooji quote on raising your vibration

Yeah, Mooji! I could end this article right here. Love is the one thing everyone loves. It’s kind. Love is beautiful. It’s what you are.

People have a habit of looking for love every except where it always is, within. Love is never without because you are never without love. What is out is just a reflection of what is in.

Seek the real thing, never the reflection.

Find out more about Mooji at https://mooji.org/.

2. “Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.” — Sadhguru

quote by sadhguru on raising your vibration

Sadhguru just gave the key to happiness.

You are an abundant being in an abundant universe. If there are such things as problems, then you know that there will be an abundant amount.

Do you really want to fix an abundant list of problems? That just sounds exhausting.

Instead, you can fix this one problem of thinking that you have to fix problems.

Start to love all and accept all as it is. You will begin to ascend above all. You will be free to experience life how you intended.

Find out more about Sadhguru at https://isha.sadhguru.org/.

3. “I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am consciousness. I am the Now. I Am.” — Eckhart Tolle

eckhart tolle quote on raising your vibration

Eckhart Tolle just gave the ultimate affirmation and explained life in simple terms.

Thoughts and emotions come and go, but through it all, you remain. This means you are not these things. You exist beyond them.

To belittle yourself into believing you are your thoughts and emotions is to lower your vibration. You also lower your vibration by holding others to their thoughts and emotions as well.

You are Life. You get to experience one thing at this moment and then experience a completely different thing in another. None of it truly matters.

Never let matter keep you limited. Life knows no limits. Be Life.

Find out more about Eckhart Tolle at https://eckharttolle.com/.

4. “The people who trigger us to feel negative emotion are messengers. They are messengers for the unhealed parts of our being.” — Teal Swan

raising your vibration quote by teal swan

Teal Swan just exposed the role everyone plays toward each other.

You are all saviors. You get to show your fellow human his or her beliefs that they are holding onto.

When someone seems to anger you, you’re never angry at them. You are just angry at the thought you held about what they had to say.

You are not that thought and neither are they. That person is not your enemy. They have just shown you a miracle if you would but accept it.

By seeing what seems to be angering you in its true form, you can let it dissipate into the nothingness that it is.

Never be angry when others show you what needs to be healed. In it lies the key to keeping your vibration high.

Find out more about Teal Swan at https://tealswan.com/.

5. “If you pay attention to the patterns of your life you’ll realize everything always works out. Everything always takes you to a greater destination. You always grow and the things you think you can’t survive you somehow divinely make it through. That’s life. Always remember that.” — Idil Ahmed

idil ahmed on raising your vibration

Idil Ahmed speaks the truth.

If you must leave this moment and re-visit the past, really look at all of it. Nothing that happened to you was every permanent. Ever.

All things change, except for one. You always remained no matter the circumstances. You will always remain.

Hold this truth to heart. Know that no matter what, all will work out.

Find out more about Idil Ahmed at https://idillionaire.com/.

6. “Need nothing and then see what happens.” — Gangaji

gangaji quote on how to raise your vibration

Gangaji just gave a practical action to raising your vibration, need nothing.

“Well, how do I make myself need nothing when I need everything?”

Stop needing it.


If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve tried to change your behavior before. This could be eating or not eating certain foods, spending less money, sticking to a workout regimen, or hanging out with different people.

What always happens as soon as you decide to change a behavior? You get enticed by many for your old behavior.

Try to stop eating candy, everyone is offering you free candy. Choose to save money, your favorite stores release deals on products you’ve always wanted. Start working out, your body says no and produces aches & pains.

You get the point. Decide to stop needing anything and watch how you’ll not only have access to it, but you’ll have access to everything.

Find out more about Gangaji at https://gangaji.org/.

7. “What we don’t recognize is that holding onto resentment is like holding onto your breath. You’ll soon start to suffocate.” — Deepak Chopra

deepak chopra smiling quote about how to raise your vibration

Deepak Chopra gave a beautiful analogy.

Who wants to sit with their breath held all day? All things are give-and-take, even breathing. You must give of yourself to receive from others.

By holding onto anything, especially resentment, you are cutting yourself off from life.

Let go. Yes, let go.

Find out more about Deepak Chopra at https://www.deepakchopra.com/.

8. “Love is never absent — the only choice is whether to be aware of It or not.” — David Hoffmeister

inspirational quote on raising vibrations by david hoffmeister

David Hoffmeister is the man for this one.

It is impossible to be aware of both love and fear at the same time. The presence of one negates the other.

Where love is, fear can never be. Where fear is, love can never be. This goes with all the wonderful things synonymous with love (joy, hope, peace, abundance, gratitude, life, etc) and with fear (despair, hopelessness, scarcity, death, etc).

Hold love in your awareness always. Share it with others. Extend God’s Love as it was extended to you.

Not only will you be aware of Love’s presence, but It will also be present everywhere you look.

Find out more about David Hoffmeister at https://davidhoffmeister.com/.

9. “Love yourself and your expression, you can’t go wrong.” — KRS-One

krs-one quote about raising your vibration hip hop

KRS-One continues to share wisdom.

When you love yourself, nothing else matters. Despite the perceived circumstance, you are love.

You could be in the most boring of places and it would not bother you because you know what you are and you get to express it.

Everyone loves love. It’s the one thing that all things share. So it is always welcomed.

Love that about yourself and love yourself.

Find out more about KRS-One at https://www.krs-one.com/.

10. “Don’t dwell on your weaknesses, everybody else is already doing that for you.” — Gary Vaynerchuk

gary vaynerchuk quote on how to raise your vibration

Gary Vee cares not for the weak; he cares for you.

You are strong. It is only your attention to the weak that makes you believe that you are part of what you consider to be weak.

You have at least one strength. It’s love. You can use that strength to birth many more.

Focus on your strengths and watch them expand. Watch it influence everything around you to become just as strong, which influences you to remain strong.

Find out more about Gary Vaynerchuk at https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/.

11. “Remind yourself that you cannot fail at being yourself.” — Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

dr wayne w dyer quote on vibration raising

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer just cured me with this quote.

It’s tempting to look at life as a series of successes and failures, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

What seems like failure is always part of success. You can’t learn how to walk unless you’re willing to fall. But even the act of trying to walk is a success in itself because you are just being you.

In other words, no matter what you do, you are successful. You are an expression of life. Every thought, every choice, every emotion is all a success. You are a success.

Find out more about Dr. Wayne W. Dyer at https://www.drwaynedyer.com/.

12. “Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” — Adyashanti

adyashanti quote on how you can raise your vibration

Adyashanti just brought us to reality.

Enlightenment is the raising of your vibration. You become light. Nothing is holding you down. You have let go of the world that consumed you.

From the perspective of someone with a lower vibration, they don’t want to see their world end. They complain about all, but they love complaining. Conflict rules their lives, but it’s the safe space they’ve created for themselves.

When you bring things to the light of truth, you see that what you thought existed was never really there. It was an illusion made in the dark. You saw a shadow and gave it meaning. Yet in the presence of light, all things are seen as they truly are.

Are you ready for the truth? Truth is not to be feared, because truth is Love.

Love ends all conflict. Love ends all hurt. Love ends all form because It exists beyond it where the beginning and end meet. It is the Alpha and Omega. God is Love.

Find out more about Adyashanti at https://www.adyashanti.org/.

It’s Your Turn

Think of the most helpful quote that you can. Bring it to the light of truth to make sure it is true. Now share with the world.

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This article first appeared on the JClay blog at https://jclay.org/raise-your-vibration/.




Philosopher, Rapper. I make music and content that will heal. Start with Let Go. https://jclay.org/letgo